Bribe Payments For Land Registrations

Project Details




Hussain Boltwala, Karthik Vemparala, Naveen Kumar HS, Salman Siddiqui, Smita Chakravorty





The project is based on the data collected over a period of time from the customers who have used Governance services in India for the land registration process. The goal is to predict whether a person availing the e-Governance Service will pay a bribe of over INR 100.

This framework will be useful for intermediaries who can target customers based on their demographic criteria. These intermediaries can charge a fee, that is typically lesser than the bribe paid, and provide a convenient and fast service to people who are most susceptible to pay bribes. This is similar to freelance notaries outside the court houses who charge a fee to customers for guiding them through any legal process. The framework will also provide insights into customer behaviour and the effectiveness of e-Governance initiatives.

This project also analyses the relationship between customers who paid bribes and the differentiating factors like age, level of education, place etc that significantly contribute to payment of bribes. Our analysis is based on Land Registration transactions carried out in Delhi, Haryana and Gujarat. Data was collected via a hand written survey with people availing the survey being interviewed. This has resulted in a lot of misclassified data and the group had endeavoured to clean and interpret as many data points to ensure a robust model is obtained.

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