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Journal Article
Sharma, P., M. Sarstedt, G. Shmueli, K. H. Kim, and K. O. Thiele, "PLS-based model selection: the role of alternative explanations in information systems research", Journal of the Association for Information Systems, vol. 20, issue 4, 2019.
Yahav, I., and G. Shmueli, "Outcomes matter: estimating pre-transplant survival rates of kidney-transplant patients using simulator-based propensity scores", Annals of Operations Research, vol. 216, issue 1, pp. 101-128, 2014. PDF icon lifetime_r2.pdf (924.59 KB)
Bapna, R., J. Ramprasad, G. Shmueli, and A. Umyarov, "One-Way Mirrors and Weak-Signaling in Online Dating: A Randomized Field Experiment", Management Science, vol. 62, issue 11, pp. 3100-3122, 2016.
Wang, S., W. Jank, G. Shmueli, and P. Smith, "Modeling Price Dynamics in eBay Auctions Using Principal Differential Analysis", Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA), vol. 103, issue 483, pp. 1100-1118, 2008. PDF icon JASA 2008 Auctions PDA.pdf (1.06 MB)
Jank, W., and G. Shmueli, "Modeling Concurrency of Events in Online Auctions via Spatio-Temporal Semiparametric Models", Journal of The Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics), vol. 60, issue 1, pp. 1-27, 2007.
Sur, P., G. Shmueli, S. Bose, and P. Dubey, "Modeling Bimodal Discrete Data Using Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Mixture Models", Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, vol. 33, issue 3, pp. 352-365, 2015. PDF icon CMP_Mixture_Final_Unblinded.pdf (1.62 MB)
Dass, M., W. Jank, and G. Shmueli, "Maximizing Bidder Surplus in Simultaneous Online Art Auctions via Dynamic Forecasting", International Journal on Forecasting, vol. 27, issue 4, pp. 1259-1270, 2011.
Hyde, V., W. Jank, and G. Shmueli, "Investigating Concurrency in Online Auctions Through Visualization", The American Statistician, vol. 60, issue 3, pp. 241-250, 2006.
Kenett, R. S., and G. Shmueli, "On Information Quality", JRSS A, vol. 177, issue 1, pp. 3-27, 2014. PDF icon Kenett Shumeli JRSSA 2014.pdf (689.6 KB)
Kenett, R. S., and G. Shmueli, "On Information Quality", Working Paper (RHS 06-100) Smith School of Business, University of Maryland,, 2009.
Shmueli, G., and A. Tafti, "How to “Improve” Prediction Using Behavior Modification", International Journal on Forecasting, vol. 39, issue 2, pp. 541-555, 2023.
Lotze, T., and G. Shmueli, "How does improved forecasting benefit detection? An application to biosurveillance", International Journal on Forecasting, vol. 25, pp. 467-483, 2009. PDF icon IJF2009 ForecastingBiosurveillance.pdf (2.19 MB)
Kenett, R. S., and G. Shmueli, "Helping authors and reviewers ask the right questions: The InfoQ framework for reviewing applied research", Statistical Journal of the IAOS, vol. 32, issue 1, pp. 11-19, 2016.
Yahav, I., and G. Shmueli, "On Generating Multivariate Poisson Data in Management Science Applications", Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, vol. 28, issue 1, pp. 91-102, 2012. PDF icon Multivariate-Poisson ASMBI 2012.pdf (1.52 MB)
Jank, W., and G. Shmueli, "Functional Data Analysis in Electronic Commerce Research", Statistical Science, vol. 21, issue 2, pp. 155-166, 2006.
Kenett, R. S., and G. Shmueli, "From Quality to Information Quality in Official Statistics", Journal of Official Statistics, vol. 32, issue 4, pp. 1–19, 2016.
Shmueli, G., and I. Yahav, "The Forest or the Trees? Tackling Simpson's Paradox with Classification Trees", Production and Operations Management, vol. 27, pp. 696–716, 2018.
Sellers, K. F., and G. Shmueli, "A Flexible Regression Model for Count Data", Annals of Applied Statistics, vol. 4, issue 2, pp. 943-961, 2010. PDF icon Supplementary Materials (126.65 KB)PDF icon AOAS COM-Regression.pdf (405.74 KB)
Jank, W., G. Shmueli, and S. Zhang, "A Flexible Model for Estimating Price Dynamics in Online Auctions", JRSS C, vol. 59, issue 5, pp. 781-804, 2010. PDF icon JRSSC_2010.pdf (852.14 KB)
Chatla, S.B., and G. Shmueli, "An Extensive Examination of Regression Models with a Binary Outcome Variable", Journal of the Association for Information Systems, vol. 18, issue 4, pp. article 1, 2017.
