Scientific Data Collection

Scientific Data-Collection is a unique elective PhD-level course for those conducting empirical research in any discipline, with an emphasis on a web environment. Conducting empirical research successfully requires that the underlying data is collected in a scientific fashion. Since many researchers today collect their own data, the methods used are detrimental to the type, quality, and reliability of the obtained data.

The course covers three main data collection methods used by researchers: designed experiments, online surveys, and web data collection via technologies such as web-crawling, API and RSS.

We consider ethical, technical, and statistical aspects of data collection; we discuss the advantages and weaknesses of different collection methods

This is hands-on course with a strong web-based flavor. Students design and implement data collection via mini-projects. For further details, please watch the short course video, or see the syllabus.

PDF icon Syllabus BMGT883 Fall 2009.pdf36.44 KB
